Brain training games:

Visual memory games

Is it necessary to develop visual memory? Of course! After all, with its help we remember the area and faces, recognize objects and their details. Visual memory contributes to the development of the imagination, helps us to build associations. A well-developed visual memory simplifies daily activities, allowing you to remember the necessary details at a glance. This is important, because the information flow in the modern world has noticeably condensed, every day we meet new people, visit new places and learn interesting facts.

About 80% of people visually perceive information much better than by ear. This is due to the fact that the figurative perception of the world around us has been inherent in us since childhood. Small children who do not yet know how to speak or think logically, just look and remember bright, new images. But as we get older, we often lose that ability. It leads to the fact that the faces of friends are forgotten, things are lost and it becomes more difficult to navigate.

If you want to avoid such consequences, visual memory needs to be developed. Visual memory training and even its phenomenal level are most necessary for artists, drivers, art critics, police officers, etc. But for people of other professions, it is also important to maintain this ability at an acceptable level. Therefore, we bring to your attention our games for the development of visual memory:

If you want to develop visual memory systematically, then you need to register. After registration during the trial period, you will have access to all the functions of the site. You will be able to track statistics and see the progress of your results on the charts.

Exercise for 15-20 minutes daily, and very soon you will feel the results yourself.

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