Brain training game «Numbers»

Do you find it easy to navigate large amounts of information? Indeed, sometimes, in order to prepare for an exam or a presentation at work, you need to quickly and efficiently work through a large amount of information from books, newspapers and the Internet. And at the same time, you need to focus, keeping your attention on the main thing, on the most important thing.
Do you quickly find the item you need among the randomly arranged items - for example, the right pen among the many stationery items on the table? Sometimes it's hard, right?
There are techniques and exercises with which you can develop the abilities responsible for the above described brain functions, such as visual scanning, attention span, peripheral vision and many others.
You can train these abilities on B-trainika with the help of the online game "Numbers". It was created on the basis of one of the most popular attention development methods - Schulte tables. This method was developed by the German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Walter Schult to study the properties of attention. The Schulte tables were 5 by 5 matrices, in which the numbers from 1 to 25 were entered in random order. The task was to find the numbers as quickly as possible, either in direct sequence or in reverse.
As a result of such training, a significant improvement in the stability of attention and visual scanning was noticed. That is why some authors of methods for the development of speed reading also recommend the use of Schulte tables.
B-trainika's team has made this exercise for the development of attention even more interesting and effective. In front of you will be not just smooth cells with the same size and number of numbers. Our cells differ in shape and color, and the numbers themselves differ in size and font. In addition, with the achievement of a higher level, their number will increase. And, of course, your time is limited.
If you want to develop your intellect in a complex way, we suggest you try to study according to a specially designed intellect development program. Register - and you can train your intellectual abilities every day, as well as monitor the results of your training in the statistics section.